Wednesday 22nd March
Blue 33(11) returns, just after 10am.
Blue 1J(13) had visited the nest shortly before 33's arrival, then Green 5N(04) dropped in on 33 around 10.45am, causing much mantling.
Maya returns, 1.38pm |
Tuesday 4th April
Egg #1 laid, 3.15pm |
Friday 7th April
Egg #2 laid, 11.11am |
Monday 10th April
Egg #3 laid 7.02am |
Thursday 13th April
Egg #4 laid. Reported as seen at 12.24pm |
Tuesday 25th April
Two-year-old female returnee, Blue S6(15), intrudes in the bay, landing on the nest at 1.31pm. She is ejected almost immediately. She remains in the vicinity for a short time until Maya chases her away
Thursday 11th May
Returning 2-year-old, Blue S1, pays a brief visit to mum and dad at 2.30pm. He fledged the Manton Bay nest in 2015
Friday 12th May
Egg #1 hatches, 11.38am (37 days 20 hrs)
Saturday 13th May
Egg #2 hatches around 9.44am (35 days 23 hrs)
Sunday 14th May
Chick #2 dies during the evening. Chick seen to have stopped moving around 10.34pm
Tuesday 16th May
Egg #3 hatches early am (35 days 23 hrs)
Friday 19th May
Egg #4 hatched yesterday evening at 8.04pm (35 days 8 hrs) but sadly did not survive. By 06.30 this morning the chick had died
21st June
Blue/white 2AN (F) Darvic right leg, BTO ring left leg
Blue/white 2AM (M) Darvic right leg, BTO ring left leg
Thursday 6th July
2AN fledges, 10.14am (55 days)
Friday 7th July
2AM fledges, 9.26am (52 days)
Saturday 29th July
2AN last seen sometime am
Sunday 20th August
2AM last seen shortly after 7am
Sunday 27th August
Maya last seen, 11.30am
Saturday 2nd September (?)
Blue 33 last seen