Thursday 22nd March
Blue 24 arrives on nest at 11.07am
Wednesday 4th April
Blue 3J pays a very brief visit to the nest this morning
Wednesday 4th April
Monty returns at 2.24pm
Thursday 5th April
Blue 3J still around. Visits nest in Monty's absence
Friday 6th April
Monty eats fish on low perch whilst Blue 3J fish solicits from the nest. Two hours later, Monty brings tail end of his fish over to 3J. They later mate
For more about 3J and today's proceedings, see: Blue 3J
Sunday 22nd April
On her 16th day with Monty, Blue 3J lays Egg #1 around 9.47am
[Still no sign of Glesni]
Wednesday 25th April
Egg #2 laid at 10.42am
Saturday 28th April
Egg #3 laid, 10am
Wednesday 2nd May
Blue 3J named 'Telyn'
See: Telyn: Blue 3J has a name
Friday 1st June
Egg #2 hatches first, 8.11pm
Saturday 2nd June
Egg #1 hatches, 10.06am
Sunday 3rd June
Egg #3 hatches, 11.24am
9th July
Chick #1 - Alys (F) (37.5 days) Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS4 BTO ring left leg, No. Weight: 1780g Wing: mm
Chick #2 - Helyg (F) (37 days) Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS5 BTO ring left leg, No. Weight: 1725g Wing: mm
Chick #3 - Dinas (M) (36 days) Darvic ring right leg, Blue/White KS6 BTO ring left leg, No.   Weight: 1410g Wing: mm
[Buccal swabs taken under license for DNA analysis. Chicks not satellite tagged]
Monday 23rd July
Dinas fledges, 2.31pm (50 days)
Thursday 26th July
Alys fledges, 7.04am (54 days)
Helyg fledges, 1.32pm (54 days)
Tuesday 28th August
Telyn last seen at 11.31am
Wednesday 29th August
Dinas last seen at 11.51am
Sunday 2nd September
Helyg last seen at 6pm
Tuesday 4th September
Alys last seen at 9.21am
Friday 7th September
Monty last seen at 10.16am